When it comes to talking about today’s school life, it will start from rush and end in rush with a small leave or mid-break that cant even called a break actually. Student life has become more and more busy in last 30 years, with a packed schedule of academics, assignments, seminars, academic-tours blah blah blah.
With such an ascent in this furious timetable of students, it has turned into an issue for guardians additionally, how to deal with the things, overseeing it, however, it likewise influencing the soundness of understudies. They are unable to take good sleep with a sufficient amount of hours, neither they are giving a big space to sports also. In addition to this, poor diet-plans and outdoor eatings have also devastated the health-construction system of the new generation.
Due to the high packed schedule and no time for health and all, its creating lots of health issues for the younger generation these days.
Here in this blog, we will discuss how to create a well-balanced synchronization among studies and health and some healthy foods to be consumed during exam time, tests, etc by a student.
1. Too much pressure
Let’s begin and find some reasons why students are incapable of taking care of themselves and their health and also how they can make a change in their dietary habits.
In this competitive world, every parent wants their child to be an engineer, doctor but hey no one wants their child to a healthy one, ya you will say that every parent wants, exactly they want, in this hypothesis of becoming greater than other, parents sometimes indirectly puts serious pressure on their kids, which results in extra hard work and negligence towards their health.
To save time, they switch to fast foods and ready to eat items.It looks good initially that your child is more concentrating on their studies, but remember avoiding a good diet and reckon in junk foods, will later make them habitual of it, as it is much tastier than healthy kinds of stuff but lesser healthier than that.
2.Less Concentration on Mental health
To become top on the charts it is necessary to keep updated in all forms, the same way if you want good marks or grades in your exams, you must be in good mental condition, where you should keep your mind always fresh and energetic. This can only happen when you take good care of your mental health. Sticking yourself to books all the time will make you tired and it will require a good rest, in order to reboot your energy again.
To avoid such things one must take rest between the study hours and give an adequate amount of sleep to your body. A fresh mind will help you to better understand the topics and learn faster with a good speed. Ride Bicycles, take a tour in your garden or a nearby park, enjoy the chilly air out there and feel the frigidity and ambiance. It will recreate your ability as you are filling the required fuel for your body, that is going to be employed when you study.
List of Some Good foods for Students with their benefits and nutritional values-
Before going to the list, I want to tell you that, with good food in the diet chart, there must be a proper balance in daily routine of a student ie. rising up early in the morning, having a little bit of exercise and going to bed as soon as possible in the night, this will allow the body to boost itself and regain the lost energy.
1.Milk and Dairy products –
we all know that milk is the richest source of calcium and its the best liquid food which provides almost every important and essential nutrient.
Hence it must be a regular part of students diet. If one is not interested in consuming milk directly because of the taste or some other issues, they can go for various milk beverages like a hot chocolate milkshake, cold milk, flavored milk, etc.
On the next side, they can even use sub-products of milk that are produced from milk like –
Yogurt – It is very healthy and tasty too, which contains a good amount of protein, that is very required for good health and fitness also. There are so many varieties available in the market of Yogurts like “Greek Yogurt” “Normal Yogurt” “Proactive Yogurt” which have some bacterial configuration that helps in digestion of food.
Tofu – Rich source of Protein, Good for fitness and helps in building lean muscles. Tofu is also a helpful and good alternative for those who are allergic to milk and dairy products. Though Tofu is not directly a dairy product, it is formed from soya-milk.
Cottage Cheese – One of the most popular and tasty dairy products that is loved by every group, be it, children, youth, adult or old age, everyone loves to eat cheese and dishes made from cottage cheese.
It is again a rich source of calcium and protein which are good of bones, stamina, muscles respectively.
2 Poultry and Non-veg Products
Fish – Fishes are the rich source of good proteins and omega-3 Fat,{Source: Google} that’s why they must be consumed by a student for good health.
Eggs – cheapest source available, which gives a yummy taste and contains a higher amount of some good proteins like riboflavin and selenium and other nutrients like Vitamin-D that is good for bone strength{Source: Google}.
Egg Yolk contains the maximum amount of nutrition in it, eggs are the only source that contains Vitamin-D in natural form.
Eggs, when consumed with Milk in the breakfast, becomes a complete package for good health as it fulfills all the necessary requirements of energy and nutrition required through the day.
Chicken Meat – White meat is the healthiest and safe to consume today. Again they are the best and rich source of low-fat protein
with lots of other nutrients in them, it also contains Vitamin-B6 and good amount of calcium also{Source: Google}.
We all know that veggies are a combo of all nutrients together, they contain dietary fibers, carbs, potassium, vitamin-A and other essential nutrients that are required for good physical and mental health of the students(Humans).
Green vegetables like Spinach, broccoli, and peas like green peas, sprouts, etc are great combo and bundle of nutrition altogether. Different dishes made from veggies like curry, soups, etc are rich in taste which supplies good nutrition to your body that enhances your health both physically and mentally.
4 Fruits
Every fruits like banana, apple, Pomegranate, guava, melons, oranges, berries, creak, etc are rich sources of fibers and multivitamins, antioxidants.
(Edited by Sachin Dhillo)
It can be consumed in any form, naturally by peeling off the outer layer, or in the form of a shake, beverages, etc. One of the best advantages of fruits is that you don’t have to cook them or modify them before eating, this saves lots of time, which especially attracts students while choosing what to eat while studying in an intense mode.
Citrus fruits like oranges and sweet lime, lemon are a good source of fiber and vitamin-c that helps in protecting from diseases like scurvy. Papaya is a good source of minerals like zinc, potassium, magnesium and dietary fibers that helps stomach functioning.
so,above suggested foods are the one which must be adopted in a students diet chart, and they must include them in their meal on a daily basis. By maintaining a good diet program daily will keep them healthy and more energetic than other classmates.
To be ahead in the race to get your goal in studies, students must have a healthy routine that has a perfect combination of Rest, exercises, sleep and study time. If there is no synchronization among them, slowly you can be left backward from others, as our body is like a machine which requires proper fuel and service timely, ignorance at any level can dis-balance your level and your career also.
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Sachin Dhillo
Digital Marketing Professional, Blogger & Content-Writer