SkoolApp: School Management Software
SkoolApp presents a Comprehensive School Management Software, available on the web and mobile app, with tremendous benefits for School, Teachers, Parents, and Students with seamless communication that is current, in real time, secure, on the cloud, and can be accessed any time, anywhere, on the go, making it best School Management Software and best School Management System
School gets access to entire School Management Software and all Integrated Features via the Web for students and staff. For all branches, single view.
Teachers get access to automated smart school solution to manage students and work.
Parents get access to all information at a single spot i.e. Mobile App
Student homework, reports, personal information available with ease, transparency, two way communication.
Outstanding Features Of School Management Software
For School
- Alerts, Reminders, Notifications, SMS, Newsletters, Pictures and Video
- Send all the above information with ease, speed and security
- Fully tracked (who sent, what was sent and when was it sent)
- Reusable
- Instant and Real Time
- Role-based access and permission to send these notifications
- Adhoc, Automatic as well as scheduled
- Live streaming as well as video clips
- Publish NOC and Consent Forms
- Great feature to collect parent’s approval on several activities
- Fully secured
- Real time status update to administrators and parents
- Reporting of who has not submitted
- Automatic and real time reminders to parents who have not yet submitted
- Publish School Activities and Events Calendar
- Create whole year’s activity planner
- Real time updates to parents
- All organized at one place for easy reference
- Directly integrated to Mobile’s native calendar
- Publish Parents Information documents, Campus Information and School Policies
- Easily publish school information documents for parents
- Reuse them in later sessions
- Keep them up to date with minimum efforts
- Keep a track of who updated the document and when
- Printable
- Shareable via email
- Transport and School Bus Management
- Full management of school bus routes
- Keep driver and attendants details
- Keep bus and its health details
- Configure arrival and drop notifications to parents
- Assist driver in various ways
- Fully trackable route
- Manage Students and Staff Attendance with ID Cards
- Real-time attendance notifications
- RFID and Biometrics integration
- Multiple zones setup
- Up to date summary of attendance of all students and staff
- Printed ID Cards
- Manage Fees, Expenses Salaries and Leaves
- Fit for purpose fee management system
- Fir for purpose expenses, salaries and leaves management modules
- Automatic reminder of due/overdue fees
- Generate several reports
- Paperless receipts directly on mobile app
- Manage Suppliers, Visitors and Future Students
- Keep a record of all visitors
- Register several suppliers and their services to students
- Manage relationship with future student parents
- Provide applications and admission information via mobile app
- Manage Campus, Resources and Library
- Keep a track of all school resources
- Manage a record of all library books
- Manage library issue and returns
- Manage campus room bookings
- Manage Payments Integration
- Integrate with Banks for online payments
- Integrate with PayTM and other Cards
- Real time reconciliation and updates
- Several Cash and Bank reports
3rd Party Integration (Via. School Management Software)
- Existing ERP Integration
- Canteen food ordering integration
- School Website and Social Media Integration
- School CCTV Integration
Book your FREE Demo/Trial
If you want more Information or discuss with our solution experts about this School Management Software, please arrange for an appointment below.